I will help you to learn Arabic online and everything there is to know about the reading and writing of the Arabic language, and how to start tutor Arabic online without working for a website. by the end you’ll be ready to dive into the world of Arabic literature make your way through Arabian cities and really accelerate your Arabic study ready to start then let’s go the Arabic alphabet contains 28 letters and their variations seeing them laid out like this might seem intimidating but the trick is to take it step by step letter by letter don’t worry about how hard it looks now just stick with me and in a few short Articles you see how easy it.
Little steps to help in learning Arabic language:
Now it’s time for tips by now you must be overwhelmed by all the different variations and exceptions and you also might be worried about that weird mark in the word you learned today don’t worry you don’t need to understand everything 100% by the end of this lesson, and present the new concept slowly over the rest of these lessons and you’ll soon find that Arabic writing isn’t all that scary.
Arabic Alphabet Position
Nice time for the next letter not quite you just saw the isolated version of Aleph, however Arabic is the cursive language that means every letter in a word connects to the letter before or after it so every time.
I introduce a new letter in this series, I’ll also show you how it’s written in all its possible positions let’s get to know the different possible positions for a letter in Arabic it’s always one of four isolated initial medial or final let’s look at each of them.
Isolated means that the letter has no letters before it or after it it’s the standard form we learned just a few minutes ago initial means that the letter lies in the beginning of a word so it’s connected to the ladder after it, but has no letters before it are you confused because the initial position connects to the letter to the left of it that’s because Arabic is written from right to left medial, means that the letter is connected from back and front to other letters and final means that the letter is the last letter in a word, so it’s only connected to the letter before it.
With the exception of six letters we must learn the four possible forms for all the letters in the Arabic alphabet those six exception letters don’t have a distinct medial form and are instead written with their final form without being connected to the next letter, their initial form is the same as the isolated form by the way the letter we learned today happens to be one of those exceptions. that means we only have to learn two forms isolated, and final you already learn the isolated version. so, you just need to learn the final version let’s write it Alif.
Let’s see how to start learning Arabic online!
now we will learn the final letter needed to write the word I in Arabic that’s noon the noon is pronounced just like the English n pretty easy right it basically, looks like a semi-circle with a dot on top, remember that this is the isolated form let’s write it noon you got lucky with your first letter but no one requires that you learn all four when noon appears at the beginning of a word the medial form for, when it appears in the middle of a word and the final form for when it’s at the end now try to write all three noon.
Now we’ve already learned two letters of the Arabic alphabet I think you’re ready to learn your first Arabic word the word you learn to write today is at the beginning of the word the second and the third letters moon and Aleph are connected, you may have noticed that the Alif at the beginning has a little mark on the top when an F is at the beginning of the word, we add the smart to it but it’s still the Aleph sound there’s an exception to this rule but you can read about it in the lesson notes and we’ll talk more about this mark in a later lesson so don’t worry too much now try to write it to yourself Anna.
Little steps to help in learning Arabic language by yourself:
Now it’s time for tips by now you must be overwhelmed by all the different variations and exceptions and you also might be worried about that weird mark in the word you learned today don’t worry you don’t need to understand everything 100% by the end of this lesson and present the new concept slowly over the rest of these lessons and you’ll soon find that Arabic writing isn’t all that scary have you ever heard the Arabic word up in the next obsidian made easy lesson you’ll learn what it means and most of all how to write it see you their Salaam.